You Can't Choose Your Parents

The online photo journal of Pippa Hope Davies, age 6 months

Friday, June 02, 2006


Mum and Dad took me to some funny class today, where there were lots of other pregnant people. I didn't really pay attention for most of it, since it was a nice warm day and I snoozed a little. Anyway, what I did gather is that it seems like this birth thing is going to smart a little bit for Mum. They were talking about how it'll take hours and Mum will need to breathe properly to help the pain and stuff like that. It's all very complicated - all sorts of pains and timing and pushing and drugs involved. I don't think me and Dad have to do anything really. I reckon we'll probably both just sit quiet and let Mum do the work, since she seems to know what's going on. Dad's pretty useless anyway - he didn't seem to know anything. I expect that's because while Mum's reading all those books about pregnancy he's usually sleeping.


  • Well bump, I reckon if you try and hold your breath and make yourself really thin you'll help mummy along a bit!!!

    I'm Caroline and you've already met me...well heard me...dunno if you recall. I'll see you soon I'm sure.

    C x

    *she can't believe the lengths of silliness she's prepared to go to to keep J&B happy....;)*

    By Blogger littlenutbrownhare, at Sunday, June 04, 2006  

  • Thank you Caroline. I'll try to - but I'm not sure holding my breath will help. You see, it's all full of liquid in here - so if I breath in lots, I'l actually just get fatter! I think Mummy will just have to deal with it. :)

    By Blogger Jamie, at Sunday, June 04, 2006  

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