I decided it was about time I turned upside down. Don't ask me why, but apparently it's what I was supposed to be doing around now. Mum seemed to be getting a bit concerned that I was still right-side-up. Strange woman.
Anyway, to keep her quiet I've decided to stand on my head for a while. Makes things interesting I suppose - there's not really much to do in here, so I'm grateful for the change of scenery. Plus I get to kick a whole different part of Mum! With only 7 weeks to go I figure it'll save me the job of turning round later on anyway. The way things are going in here there might not be much space to move by then!
Mum went to the doctors again today and they poked and prodded me and put my heartbeat on the speaker for Mum to hear. She seemed happy with it, so I guess I'm doing ok.
Dad was singing to me today - he's preparing to sing a barbershop number for someone's wedding. He's doing the really high notes and even I can hear he's not doing them that well yet. Mum and me are both getting pretty fed up with that song. Come the wedding September I think I'll just cry right through it - that'll teach him...
You should be doing the high notes. Those long ones that your Dad does, on 'Waaaah! Waaaah! Waaaah!'
By boxthejack, at Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Well done for turning round. Here's a tip on the 'bits of mum to kick' thing. If you kick firmly upwards, you can get her ribs with your feet and SIMULTANEOUSLY get a header in her bladder.
By Anonymous, at Friday, June 16, 2006
Thanks Shrub!!
By Anonymous, at Friday, June 16, 2006
Hello! That stuff about kicking... it really is great fun. I did loads of the simultaneous heading stuff. My mum was just recovering from it, and was starting to feel safe, when I realised that I can still do damage, especially now I'm 7 months old and can stand up on her tummy and jump up and down. It's great fun out here. Looking forward to you joining us.
By Anonymous, at Saturday, June 17, 2006
Everyone at ICC is delighted to hear of Pippa's safe arrival. Looks gorgeous! Hope Bonnie is recovering ( and Jamie ! )
By Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Thanks Ruth. I will make sure that i come in to visit all you folk at ICC very soon. Looking forward to meeting you all!
By Anonymous, at Tuesday, September 05, 2006
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