You Can't Choose Your Parents

The online photo journal of Pippa Hope Davies, age 6 months

Saturday, June 24, 2006


It's a big day for me today. I got my first set of wheels. Snazzy, eh? I'm not sure yet where the petrol goes (maybe it's eco-friendly?) but I'm looking forward to taking her out for a spin as soon as I get out. I reckon I'll be the coolest kid around. I wonder what the top speed is...?

Anyway, Mum and Dad got it on the road for me today. It looks very complicated...
There's lots of different ways it can go, a cover for when it rains and even a carrycot bit that goes in so I can lie down while Daddy drives. Ah, that's my idea of travelling in style!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that Dad has got a job, so he'll be able to earn all that money he'll need to spend on me for the next 18 years. The bad news is that he starts on the 1st of August, so Mum and Dad will have to move to our new house very soon, which doesn't sound like much fun and I'll miss my new friends in Edinburgh.

It looks like I may end up being born in Glasgow too, which means I'll be a Glaswegian. I'm not quite sure what to make of that idea yet. Being born Scottish is one thing, but Glaswegian??

Maybe my Mum and Dad will call me Rab. Not sure I can handle that.

Monday, June 05, 2006


I decided it was about time I turned upside down. Don't ask me why, but apparently it's what I was supposed to be doing around now. Mum seemed to be getting a bit concerned that I was still right-side-up. Strange woman.

Anyway, to keep her quiet I've decided to stand on my head for a while. Makes things interesting I suppose - there's not really much to do in here, so I'm grateful for the change of scenery. Plus I get to kick a whole different part of Mum! With only 7 weeks to go I figure it'll save me the job of turning round later on anyway. The way things are going in here there might not be much space to move by then!

Mum went to the doctors again today and they poked and prodded me and put my heartbeat on the speaker for Mum to hear. She seemed happy with it, so I guess I'm doing ok.

Dad was singing to me today - he's preparing to sing a barbershop number for someone's wedding. He's doing the really high notes and even I can hear he's not doing them that well yet. Mum and me are both getting pretty fed up with that song. Come the wedding September I think I'll just cry right through it - that'll teach him...

Friday, June 02, 2006


Mum and Dad took me to some funny class today, where there were lots of other pregnant people. I didn't really pay attention for most of it, since it was a nice warm day and I snoozed a little. Anyway, what I did gather is that it seems like this birth thing is going to smart a little bit for Mum. They were talking about how it'll take hours and Mum will need to breathe properly to help the pain and stuff like that. It's all very complicated - all sorts of pains and timing and pushing and drugs involved. I don't think me and Dad have to do anything really. I reckon we'll probably both just sit quiet and let Mum do the work, since she seems to know what's going on. Dad's pretty useless anyway - he didn't seem to know anything. I expect that's because while Mum's reading all those books about pregnancy he's usually sleeping.