You Can't Choose Your Parents

The online photo journal of Pippa Hope Davies, age 6 months

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Some of you might have heard that I was back in hospital last night. There's nothing to worry about - my weight has been going down since I was there last time, and the reason seems to be that I wasn't getting enough grub. Mum and Dad are now getting some extra food for me from ASDA (which is really nice actually) so I'm getting lots of top-ups on top of my usual meals. With all that eating come a couple of -ahem- natural side-effects. On the downside I seem to have developed the ability to produce enough poo to reach my ears (literally - just ask Dad). Sorry about that. On the upside I am actually starting to sleep more! Mum and Dad seem to be very happy with that part. All in all I think things are looking up.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


This is apparently the coolest dummy around. It has a teat that's supposed to move in and out and feel really natural. I think it's just another of Mum and Dad's attempts to make me look silly. Look at it - you can see right into my mouth! So undignified... mmm... dummy... [suck suck suck suck]

Does my bum look big in this?

Mum and Dad have started using my new nappies now. They're called TotsBots Fluffles and they got them from the very nice people at The Nappy Lady. They're lovely and soft and have cool little poppers to make them fit me nicely. The good news is that they are a) cheaper than disposables and b) better for the environment. The bad news is that they make my bum look enormous.

To make this even worse I've also started topping up my dinner with snacks from a bottle, because apparently I'm not fat enough for my age. I must admit, it's a little odd to be having dinner with Dad, but I'm enjoying the extra food. I guess Mum and Dad know best but I can't help thinking they just want me to have a fat bum so that they'll start getting some attention again. After all, I am incredibly adorable, even with my gigantic pants.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Video 2

Here's a rather embarrassing one of me behaving in a very unladylike manner!

  • Shopping

    I went shopping with Mum and Dad yesterday to buy a nice outfit for a friend's wedding. Mum seemed to think this would be fun. I thought it was a bit boring to be honest! I did get some very cool shoes though - I'll show you them soon.

    Saturday, August 05, 2006

    Portrait 3

    click on the picture to see a larger version
    (then right click and save to your computer if you want have a print made)


    There was a little girl,
    who had a little curl,
    right in the middle of her forehead.

    When she was good,
    she was very good indeed...

    ...but when she was bad she was horrid!

    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)

    Friday, August 04, 2006

    Video 1

    I've launched a new feature on "You Can't Choose Your Parents" - videos! Now you can see what I'm up to in moving pictures as well as photos. Here's the first instalment - all future instalments will be available on the sidebar to the right...

    I think you'll find I look pretty good in this film - some of my best work...

  • Wednesday, August 02, 2006

    Portrait 2

    click on the picture to see a larger version
    (then right click and save to your computer if you want have a print made)


    Hmm. Think this one speaks for itself. Dad's a bit of a wimp though- it's not as if he did very much! Me and Mum were doing all the work. Honestly, Men!


    It's been a busy first 24 hours. Lots and lots of lovely people came to see me, and say well done to Mum and Dad. Which means that I got lots and lots of cuddles (and cuddling is my new favourite thing). I was on my best behaviour and only cried once or twice. Nobody seemed to mind though - it seems I am very cute, and can get away with all manner of antisocial behaviour. All I need to do is gurgle and people forget all about the nasty messes I occasionally make. Worth remembering, that.

    Tuesday, August 01, 2006

    Portrait 1

    click on the picture to see a larger version
    (then right click and save to your computer if you want have a print made)


    Hello everyone. Well, I'm here. At 5.19pm on Tuesday the 1st of August I decided to come out into the world. Mum had been trying to convince me for around 36 hours, and the last 17 hours were particularly convincing. So I gave up resisting and came to see what all the fuss was about. To be honest my previous accommodation had become rather constricting for my tastes by then.

    Mum and Dad were there, looking pretty tired out (it turns out they hadn't slept in a couple of days - don't know why not). Here are some of my first moments. I was 9lbs and 7oz (not sure why everyone needs to know my weight - seems very rude and unladylike to me!)

    Mum and Dad finally gave me a name - Philippa Hope. My Uncle Phil is convinced it's because he's so cool. But that's just silly. You can call me Pippa if you like. Or Pip. But definitely not Pipsqueak like Dad does. Or Pippadeedoodah. Or Pippapotamus. Got it?